A modern, proactive solution for people striving to be their best selves
Just like we have exercise for our bodies, The Mental Gym is for your mind. It's not therapy, it's a place to get mentally healthy and fit. Trainer led group workouts combine proactive (not reactive) mental wellness with personal and leadership development, real people, and authentic connection helping your people show up, feel great, and perform at their best.
Mentally Fit People
Mental Wellness Scale
Used by people at
Your people are burning out they're stressed, tired, and struggling to show up at their best
We’ve found even the best places to work, just like your company, have leaders, emerging leaders, and high-potential employees who want to show up and perform at their best, but they can't because they're stressed, tired, anxious, and overwhelmed - not fully burnt out yet, but they're burning. It's costing businesses lost productivity, engagement, time off, and high turnover. It's costing your people their best lives.
Mental Wellness Scale
They don't need reactive care, they want Proactive Wellness
The Mental Gym helps organizations and their people become their best selves, together - preventing burnout, growing personally and professionally, connecting teams, and performing at their best where it matters most.
It's their necessary mental break from the demands of work, home, and everyday life to focus on themselves, their well-being, and their growth.
The energy is amazing. The topics are relatable. It's honest, safe, and inclusive with no judgment. Your people will love the workouts and love how they change their lives.
James McBean - COO, Northwest Protection Services
We’ve done more in the first 3 weeks of January than in the first 3 months of last year! The way we’re all working together, how we’re on the same page, I haven’t seen this before.
(Personally) I used to get triggered, stressed, and overwhelmed – now I feel calm and in control. I feel like I’m taking control of my entire life, something I’ve never felt before.
I’m just more comfortable in my own skin and with myself as a leader, not just as a manager. I’m becoming the person that deep down I always believed I could be. It’s hard to explain how much that means to me.
Victoria Marten Evans - Senior Marketing Manager, Nestle
As an individual and a mom, I love that The Mental Gym gives me the opportunity to sit down, take time, and consistently work on myself and improve.
I was already interested in self-improvement and bettering myself, but the problem was – all theory, no practice...
I love the consistency and accountability of a weekly session, and working on yourself with the support of others is fantastic.
I constantly want to improve and The Mental Gym is the best way to make it happen... I really love it.
Mark Reisler - Senior Director of Product, Pivotree
I’ve tried executive coaching and therapy before, but nothing has impacted my life like The Mental Gym - and at a fraction of the price too.
Now I feel more energized, engaged, and productive. My performance at work has never been better. My relationships are deeper. I’m more present as a husband and father... Even though I’ve got a lot on my plate, I feel less stressed. Instead I’m calm and focused, and in control of my emotions.
I’m more confident. I’m more comfortable leading and I’m taking risks I’ve always wanted to take. I’m taking better care of myself - mentally and physically - and it shows.
The Mental Gym has changed my life. I honestly can’t recommend it enough.
Rabab Farooq - Employment Consultant, ACCES Employment
The positive impact on my work-life balance has been amazing. Prior to participating, I often found myself overwhelmed and struggling to juggle the demands of work and personal life. However, through the program's guidance and exercises, I've learned valuable strategies to prioritize my time effectively and create boundaries that allow me to achieve a more harmonious balance.
I've gained insights into my strengths, areas for improvement, and personal aspirations. The Mental Gym’s self-reflective process has been instrumental in empowering me to make meaningful changes and take proactive steps towards personal growth and self-improvement.
It's been instrumental in supporting my journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life, both personally and professionally. I have so much gratitude to ACCES for offering such a valuable program aimed at supporting our mental health. I feel truly honored to be part of a company that prioritizes the well-being of its employees and provides resources to support us in navigating life's challenges. Thank you for your commitment to creating a supportive and nurturing work environment.
Cole Mathis - Buinsess Development, Prosponsive Logistics
It was so important to me to become the version of myself I always believed I could be, but I didn’t know how to until I started in The Mental Gym.
Now, I’ve made huge changes in my life. I’m in the best relationship I’ve ever had. My family life is better than ever. I’m in the best shape of my life. I got a great new job and I’ve already been promoted!
I was depressed, angry, just kind of floundering – now I’m happier and more confident than ever. I have purpose and direction. Life is so much easier to go through.
The Gym sets me up for my whole week. I get excited for it, I get excited after it.
It empowers me to really be a better me. I’m taking my life into my own hands and making it what I want it to be.
I can say for certain this is undoubtedly the most important thing I have ever done in my life.
Andrea Wetzel - Team Lead, Lululemon
I’ve got a lot going on, and balance sometimes feels unattainable.
Before I started in The Mental Gym I was dealing with a ton of anxiety. Now I’m so much calmer and more present. I feel so much better, so much more confident as that best version of me comes forward.
I’ve been a part of other groups, courses, coaching and leadership training before, but this really is like nothing out there.
This isn’t therapy, it’s full on support for literally being your best you and living your best life. Why wouldn’t you want to do that?
This is The Mental Gym: how we move people from Good to Great
Trainer led group classes
Group classes led by your Mental Gym trainer create an amazing energy in an honest, safe space with no judgment. We get mentally healthy and fit, grow personally and professionally, connect, and we do it together. Live online sessions are one hour, perfect for remote and hybrid teams.
We challenge your mind with a new, relatable topic every workout
Upgrade how your people think, make decisions, and behave at a fundamental level. Challenge your mind, engage in real (not surface-level) conversation with like-minded people, gain new perspectives, and grow.
Always looking forward, not backward
The world is changing - people's mental health needs have changed too. It’s not about reacting to what happened before, it’s about being equipped for what happens next, and thriving no matter what challenges or opportunities come your way.
Building the practical tools, habits, and mindset
Our scientific approach breaks down transformative concepts into simple, easy to understand and integrate parts, helping your people develop the essential and practical tools, skills, habits, and mindset they need to show up at their best.
With accountability, community, and consistency
We’re in this together because real growth requires consistency, practice, and support. In The Mental Gym, small, manageable improvements compound into big results helping your people live their best lives at work and at home.
And authentic connection
Real talk and real people connects teams with genuine trust and respect for each other as human beings. The Gym is an inclusive space - there’s no labels or titles - because it’s not about our differences, it’s about what makes us the same.
We help your people live their best lives
Your people want to show up and perform at their best - to do great work and feel great doing it. They want to feel energized, connected, and fulfilled with a high quality of life. They want to grow personally and professionally - realizing their personal potential as better partners, parents, teammates, and leaders who matter and make everyone around them better.
On a scale from 1-10, it's not about 6 or 7, they want to live their 10.
But they need to know how, and they need a place that helps them get mentally healthy and fit so they can do it.
Mental Gym Workout Programs
getting and keeping your people mentally fit
Level 1
3 months - 12 group sessions
Level 2
3 months - 12 group sessions
Level 3
3 months - 12 group sessions
Workouts are one hour, optimized for groups of up to 25 people / session
Seamless integration into your organization - join as teams, leaders across departments, or individuals can join a group with other people from your company
Over 80% of people who continue past the first month go from burning out to thriving at work and at home
Single Session Team Workouts
Resilience Essentials
Life isn’t easy and the world is changing fast - let’s thrive anyway - learn the must-have tools for navigating life’s lows to create even higher highs
The Success Equation
Your people will perform at their best with the new equation for living a happy, healthy, mentally fit life in a non-stop, quickly changing world
Overcoming Digital Addiction
Your people learn how to be present, reduce anxiety and burnout, and take back control of their time and their minds
Mindset is Everything
Succeed in any situation and prevail in the end with the optimal mental attitude and tools by building grit with a growth mindset
Personal Training (one-on-one)
Show up at your best where it matters most, and create a ripple effect that makes everyone better. Personal training for leaders and emerging leaders accelerates growth and creates sustainable results. Whether it's a great addition to your team's workouts, or on its own, personal training is all about leveling up and being your best you.