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Alaina S.

Founder - By Design Development Solutions, Entrepreneur, Athlete

I look forward to going to The Mental Gym every week. I love being part of a community of people who want more in life... more fulfilling relationships, greater success in their careers, a meaningful way to give back... and they are actively engaged in making these things happen.


I leave The Mental Gym energized from our weekly discussions and fired up to incorporate the personal growth challenges into my life.


I am an entrepreneur, athlete and serial over achiever. I am so grateful to have found my tribe of people who want great things in their lives, won't settle for less, and aren't afraid to think big.


The support of this community and the thought exercises that come from The Mental Gym are propelling me to live the life I've always wanted - one without limits on who I can be and what I can contribute to this world.

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James M.

COO - Northwest Protection Services, Food Lover, Raptors Fan

What’s so incredible to me is it’s like you re-wired me to want to make the right decisions for me. Tough choices became simple ones. Doing the ‘hard’ thing became easy. It’s like I’m consistently replacing my bad habits with good ones, and it’s easy to do.

I’m measured and deliberate in how I think, talk and act – I’m just more comfortable in my own skin and with myself as a leader, not just as a manager.

I used to get triggered, stressed, and overwhelmed – now I feel calm and in control.

Now I eat right, sleep better, and exercise regularly. I’ve already lost 30lbs – I’ve never felt better and I just keep going. I’ve quit smoking entirely, and I don’t even crave a cigarette!

​​I’m becoming the person that deep down I always believed I could be. It’s hard to explain how much that means to me.

You’re like a personal trainer for my brain. I didn’t think it was possible, this is amazing! This is life changing! And it’s all thanks to you.


Victoria K.

Senior Marketing Manager - Nestle, Wife & Mom, Runner

As an individual and a mom, I love that The Mental Gym gives me the opportunity to sit down, take time, and consistently work on myself and improve.

It’s about getting to a point in your life and not saying I should’ve, would’ve, could’ve. It’s about saying I did. And having all the important parts of my life fulfilling me along the way.

I was already interested in self-improvement and bettering myself, but the problem was – all theory, no practice. What’s great about TMG is it gives me the opportunity to take all this theory I’ve been exposed to and put it into practical application, week after week with a group of like-minded people.

Knowing my 10 can exist for me, I can’t just say “no, it’s not for me”. It exists and I know that I can get there, and I love that I get to define it for myself. That gives me the confidence and energy to want to improve and be better.

I love the consistency and accountability of a weekly session. I constantly want to improve and The Mental Gym is the best way to make it happen every week. I really love it.


Cole M.

Sales Manager - Prime Communications, Amateur Musician, Crossfitter

It was so important to me to become the version of myself I always believed I could be, but I didn’t know how to until I started in The Mental Gym.

Now, I’ve made huge changes in my life. I’m in the best relationship I’ve ever had. My family life is better than ever. I’m in the best shape of my life. I got a great new job and I’ve already been promoted!

I was depressed, angry, just kind of floundering – now I’m happier and more confident than ever. I have purpose and direction. Life is so much easier to go through.

The Gym sets me up for my whole week. I get excited for it, I get excited after it.

It empowers me to really be a better me. I’m taking my life into my own hands and making it what I want it to be.

I can say for certain this is undoubtedly the most important thing I have ever done in my life.

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Andrea W.

Founder - HER Place, Entrepreneur, Horse Lover

I’ve always had a vision of the woman I want to be – she’s confident and powerful and strong. She inspires people. Nothing takes her down.

But until I joined The Mental Gym, I didn’t know how to turn that vision into my consistent reality.

I’ve got a lot going on, I’m an entrepreneur, and balance sometimes feels unattainable.


Before I started in The Mental Gym I was dealing with a ton of anxiety. Now I’m so much calmer and more present. I feel so much better, so much more confident as that best version of me comes forward.

I’ve been a part of other groups, courses, coaching and leadership training before, but this really is like nothing out there.

This isn’t therapy, it’s full on support for literally being your best you and living you best life. Why wouldn’t you want to do that?


Jermane S.

Husband & Father, Mentor, Multiple Business Owner

TMG is the highlight of my week.

You've changed my life, and the lives of the people who look up to me.


For me, it’s just not good enough to say, ’I’m at a 7’. I’ve accomplished a lot in life, I have solid relationships, good friends, and a lot of it’s good. But that’s the problem, it’s just good and I know there’s better. It’s realizing that potential, it’s being your best. 


The group environment and consistency are both very important. Every week is something new yet we build on lessons from the previous week. It's people being real and authentic; there is no judgement there.  

I never want to reach the end of my life and say I could’ve done more. I want to know I orchestrated my life the way I wanted to. Not only for myself but for my family, my children, I really want to push and leave that mark. But it wasn’t until I joined The Mental Gym that I really started closing the gap between my 7 and my 10.


Krista V.

Child & Youth Worker, Wife & Mom, Book Lover

Being a part of The Mental Gym has become a huge part of my self-care routine. I look forward to that one hour a week where I am completely focused on bettering myself, living up to my potential and aspiring to be the best version of myself.
What's different about The Mental Gym is that it doesn't stop there. Cory gives out self-work to focus on throughout the week, so you are constantly working on yourself day by day using the resources and tools masterfully crafted by Cory to help you reach your full potential.
You find yourself thinking about things in a whole new way! The group of people I've met have been amazing, and are providing me with new and diverse ways of looking at the world. I can't wait to continue my journey and see what's next for me!


Adam D.

MBA Student, Music Lover, Breaking Bad Fan

It felt like I had a lot to give to the world. I had this version of myself I wanted to become and a vision of who I wanted to be, but I didn’t know how to get from here to there.

Cory empowered me to be who I truly want to be, without fear or limitation.

Now I feel that sense of freedom to go after what I want. I’m taking risks and assuming leadership roles.

I used to feel stressed, now I’m calm and focused. The results I’m getting in my work are better – significantly better – and it’s actually easier to do.

I feel a real sense of pride and achievement knowing that vision isn’t just a vision anymore. It’s tangible. It’s real.

I think taking that first step was the hardest, but as soon as I joined The Mental Gym and met all the amazing people that are a part of it, it just felt like something I’ve been waiting to do.

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Dana C.

Founder & CEO - Cool to Connect & Heroic Humans, Connection Aficianado

Life is so go, go, go but The Mental Gym gives me my allocated hour a week to focus on myself and my own personal development, and holds me accountable to show up for myself and for this community.

I’m more intentional and mindful with the way I live my life. I’m more productive and more focused in my work and with my goals.

It’s helping me propel forward in business and show up as who I want to be in my personal life.

As someone who cares about being my best me and making a difference in this world, there’s no better way to continue my personal growth than to do it with Cory and other growth-minded people in The Mental Gym.

Ready to Get Started in The Gym?
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