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How long do I join for?

Start with 3 months, so you can experience what The Mental Gym is all about. After that, stay for as long as you like.

When can I start?

New members can join anytime. Just fill out our quick membership info form and we'll take it from there.

Why do I need to apply first?

The Gym is for everyone, and at the same time, we're not for everyone. Don't worry – we just want to learn a little about you to make sure The Gym is the right fit for you. 

How do I know if The Mental Gym is for me?

If you think The Mental Gym is for you (even if you think it might be for you) it’s for you. The Mental Gym could be exactly what you've been looking for – and with our 3 month money back guarantee, what do you have to lose? 


Can I learn more or check out a class before I apply?

Absolutely. Contact Us to say hi, ask questions, and/or schedule an introductory call. You can also learn more HERE, watch a class recording HERE, and sign-up for our weekly emails HERE.

I already read books and listen to podcasts – why do I need The Mental Gym?


Information and wisdom are obviously important, but it’s the consistent practice and application of that information and wisdom – along with essential guidance, accountability, community and support – that creates the real-life results you’re looking for.


Think of it like losing weight, exercising, or excelling in business – if information was all we needed, we’d all be billionaires with 6-packs, right!?

What if I’m not the ‘group class’ type?


Fair question, but have you tried our group classes? Our advice: try it for yourself first, then decide. We're confident you'll see the many benefits of training with a community of awesome like-minded people.


We also offer Private Gym for teams and organizations and Private Training for individuals and team leaders – Contact Us to learn more.


Do I have to participate in class (or can I just listen)?


There's no 'have to' in The Mental Gym. Do whatever feels right. Some members actively participate more, some less. Some participate more in some classes and less in other ones. You’ll find what works for you.



What if I don’t want to talk about personal stuff?


This isn’t a therapy session, it's proactive wellness. We’re not digging into your past or stirring up the personal details of your life.

We take a lot of pride in having real conversations that matter, and we do use real-life examples. The more 'real' you're comfortable being, the more you and your fellow members benefit - but it’s entirely up to you to decide when you speak and when you don't.

What if I’m away or miss a class?


You can join class from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Whether you’re at home, on a business trip or on vacation, we’re always accessible. You also have the option of joining a different class time that works better for you.


Can I join with my friend or partner?

Definitely - and we highly recommend it. The Mental Gym is great for friends, partners, parents, colleagues and teams of any kind (work or personal). You always have the option of being in the same class together or showing up separately, at different class times.



Some of our teammates can’t wait to join – but some aren’t as excited. What should we do?

​​Unlike some other approaches, we don’t believe in forced or mandated trainings – so, if you have a teammate(s) who doesn’t want to join, that’s ok – just don’t push them too hard.

The Mental Gym is for everybody, but we’re not for everybody. We believe in only training with people who want to train with us.

But, if your teammate doesn’t want to join because they think we’re just another leadership training, group therapy session or wellness lunch n learn (which is completely understandable), all we ask is they give The Mental Gym a shot and keep an open mind.


What if I don’t like what we’re talking about (or it doesn’t apply to my situation)?

Every class in The Mental Gym offers something new, with each week building on the previous week. Some classes (or discussions within classes) will naturally speak to you more than others – or apply more directly to your current situation than others will.

As long as you keep showing up with an open mind and a great attitude, we're confident you'll gain something valuable from each and every class.

How am I supposed to work on myself if we’re not just talking about my own stuff?

Instead of thinking about this like a group therapy session (which it isn’t) think of it like a group exercise class. Our classes aren't designed with just one individual’s goals in mind, we make sure it’s a great workout for everyone!

The benefit of real, honest conversation with different perspectives from different people in different walks of life is invaluable. 


If you’re looking for more personal attention, we also offer private training for individuals and team leaders. Contact Us to learn more.

Ready To Live Your 10?
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